Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time to catch up on our little Punkers!!

First of all since Monday she has had a little flu bug that bit her, ha ha, ok not really. She is finally getting back to herself today. I hate seeing her sick and whiny!!! She is slowly getting back to eating and maybe tomorrow we will try some milk again. But this has given me an easy way to get rid of the bottle because she has been on water, very diluted juice, or pedilite(which she doesn't really like) in a cup and she hasn't had the bottle much at all. We were down to just a night time bottle anyways. And she hasn't napped in her swing in almost 2 wks, minus a couple times this week cause she has been sick. So another thing checked off my list. I don't like checking these things off this kind of list because that means she is getting way to big. Two weeks from Sunday and she is 1 year old=( , but we are having a big shin dig to celebrate!!!

I just wanted everyone to see how much our "little piggers" eats. It may not seem like that much to some but to us it is. If she doesn't eat "big people food" then she eats a whole toddler meal and some extra fruit and veggies. She does love her veggies and fruit, which is good.

On Sunday we enjoyed a nice family ride on the Kubota, first daddy took Hayleigh for a "nap"ride. What is that you ask, its when its time for a nap and the Kubota does great at putting her to sleep!! We went to a friend's woods where they were cleaning up some trees and fence lines and had a little fire. Do you remember is was kinda windy that day, yep you guessed it the fire spread pretty fast on that dry grass/woods. It was all put under control quickly!! Hayleigh played with some friends and took a nap in the back of the Kubota for awhile and mom and dad talked.

These pictures are of Hayleigh throwing one of her fits. She does quiet well at them. The arms flail in the air, she arches her back, and she sceams and kicks. At 11mths old she is full of attitude!! Dave and I both think she is going to be a little meany!! She is also hitting/slapping us or at us now. Well she does it to just about anyone really. She scrunches her forehead and gets this look like she is really mad and the hand goes a swatting. We tell her no over and over again but she doens't listen, most of the time it makes her more mad.

I hope everyone is enjoying the blog the same way I am enjoying typing it!!! I love to share with everyone how our little girl is growing up!! Until next time....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Things that Hayleigh loves to do....

Hayleigh loves bothering the dog, no matter how much we tell her no, she does it anyways. Ya see Rex is 14 years old and with an older dog you never know what they will do when a child is pounding on them and pulling on their collar. Hayleigh is in love with Rex right now for some reason. She talks to him and laughs and giggles at him. It's rather cute.
Hayleigh has also enjoyed brushing her teeth. Mommy makes the first brushing, then I had the brush to her and she basically chews on it and we sing "This is the Way We Brush our Teeth.....". She finds that kinda funny.
Stay turned for another round of "Hayleigh's favorites".....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Ok, so my pictures never end up where I would like them to go, so the stories and the pictures are not in order!!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

We enjoyed
another beutiful day outside. I strapped Hayleigh in her carseat and strapped her into the Kubota, because it was nappy time, for a ride with dad. Dave took her for a little ride around the yard picking up sticks and that didn't wo
rk so onto the road he went and she came back asleep!! Good work dad!! Hayleigh and I both wore our green today and I tried to get a good picture of us. The other night I was typing away and heard Hayleigh whining and I turned around to see that she had fallen in her toybox. It was quiet funny and I hurried to grab a picture!! She didn't think it was quiet so funny. Last but not least, Hayleigh loves bathtime, from the time she gets all undressed to the time she gets out of the tub she is full of smiles!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring, is it really you???

Ahhh, what a beautiful day it was today. Can it please stay this way?? The kids and I enjoyed a couple hours outside today. Hayleigh, Kaitlyn, and I enjoyed a short walk while Kylie was napping (and under Dave's watchful eye). Hayleigh loves to ride in her stroller!!! She just plain loves to be outside like I've said before.
Kylie woke up and we all enjoyed some Kubota riding. Don't worry Kylie was strapped in and yes Kaitlyn was in the back strapped into the bouncy seat. She loved it back there, it even put her to sleep. Also we went 5 mph around in a circle in our driveway. This is another one of Hayleigh's favorite things to do. Kylie also enjoyed playing with the sand toys in the drive-way and Hayleigh wanted so bad to be down on the ground with her, but sorry she had a new outfit on.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Well another month is upon us and she is on her way to turning 1!! She is the most precious thing you could ever imagine. She smiles at mostly anyone and also makes her silly face at all most anyone. We took this picture on the day she turned 11months. She wasn't cooperating as usual, but it still turned out cute I think.
I love my horsey rides with daddy!! Her face lights up with a huge smile as daddy pushes and pulls her around the room, until he gets to tired of course.
Picture time with mom. I have to take these myself of course!!

Now that I can pull up on everything, I like to go under the table and I end up bonking my head

Daddy put this book bag on her and she thought that was pretty cool !!

"Hi everyone I'm playing with my favorite toy" She could sit forever and push the buttons on this toy, believe me Dave and I both know most of the songs/music that plays.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Laundry Helper

As many of us mothers know laundry isn't a real fun job to begin with but isn't it so much more fun with an 11mth old (tomorrow) helping you?? Hayleigh does a great job taking the clothes out of the basket before they are folded and then proceeding to either push the basket away from me or trying to get in it. This is Kylie, one of my best friend's little girls, posing for the camera and trying to hold Hayleigh so she doesn't fall.
Well this picture was taken after Hayleigh was standing up outside of the basket thinking she was hot stuff , when bam in the basket she went head first. Of course I turned her right side up, while I was laughing (sorry it was funny), and then took the picture.

"Who me, I didn't do it, I'm too cute !"

"Oh, what do I do with this??""Let me help mom"

Well in less then 12 hrs my baby girl will be 11 months old and one her way to being 1. I've said it once and I will say it over and over, I can't believe it!!! We love you more then anything baby girl=)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


What a lovely weekend it was, not!! We didn't do a whole lot this weekend. We mostley stayed at home and were lazy. Well Hayleigh is never lazy unless she is sleeping. This girl is always on the go!! She is quiet funny, once she hears the bathroom door at all she is on full speed to bathroom. Hayleigh has been doing a lot of pulling herself up to standing and "cruising" from toy to toy. She really needs to stop growing up so fast!! The last picture made my laugh so hard, she dropped/threw her toy on the other side of Rex and decided that she was just going to climb over him to get it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pictures from the last week

This week was a long one for babysitting but we did get to enjoy sometime outside a couple days. Hayleigh loves being outside when its nice out!! We found a new "playpen" it's the Kubota but it requires lots of supervision because the sides of course aren't that tall and Hayleigh is always on the move anymore!! She also rode around in the stroller awhile and after the kids left on Thursday we enjoyed a family ride in the Kubota and it put Hayleigh to sleep. I have a couple more cute pictures of Hayleigh that I would like to share with you in another blog tomorrow because this mama is tired and going to bed!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More Florida pictures...

#1 picture is off me enjoying some pool time!!
#2 Me and my ever so cute Valentines Day shirt
#3 Spending some time with daddy!!

Fun at the beach!!

Here are a couple pictures of Hayleigh at the beach... so seriously it took me about 7 or so trys to download these two pictures because everytime it was about done the stupid phone would ring and kick me off the internet (gotta love dial-up)

The second picture she wasn't to sure about the sand that was all over her hands. She didn't mind eating it though!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


As most of you know we recently went to Florida a couple weeks ago and had lots of fun. Hayleigh did very well on her first plane ride and hads lots of fun being outside on the beach trying to eat the sand. We had a blanket thingy down for her to play on but no she had to try to crawl away all the time. Here are a few pictures of Hayleigh in Florida.

Starting with the plane ride and going over in the ferry to North Captive Island.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pictures from Hayleigh's baby days

I though I would share one of my favorite pictures of Hayleigh from when she was only a few days old. Plus here are some more baby pictures. It's hard to believe she was that little!!